Is Online Insurance A Good Deal?

I had a gentleman come into my office with a copy of his current insurance policy that he purchased online from an 800 number. He said he was looking for the cheapest insurance for his new car. Well, the agent that wrote him the policy did exactly that! Yep….got him the cheapest policy out there. Seems like that would be a good thing right? Well….turns out it wasn’t!

This is why you need Good Apple Insurance as your trusted local agent. Is it convenient to buy a policy online? Or call a company you found online? Maybe depending on how you look at it, but it can also have unintended consequences. Not only are we just as convenient but we have many resources to help you. We look out for you the customer vs an online company that only represents themselves.

When the customer’s vehicle was hit while parked he tried to call the agent to turn in a claim. The customer, unfortunately, could not get a hold of the agent so he called the company directly. Once he spoke to a claims rep there that is when he found out his deductible was $2000! The damage to his vehicle was just about $2000 therefore the company paid absolutely nothing! He had to pay to fix the damage to his car out of his pocket.

The online company seemed to only care about selling the customer the cheapest policy. When the time came that cheap price did nothing to help the customer and actually cost the customer $2000 the pocket expense.

As his personal insurance agent, I was able to review the coverage he had with the online company and I was able to counsel him on what was going to be his best options for the type of coverage he needed and the amount of coverage that suited him best. I was able to offer him a $500 deductible and better policy limits all around. He felt so much better-having insurance that would work for him than what he got from the online company.

Want to know what is crazy? The price difference was only $20 bucks more a month with one of my top carriers than what he was currently paying with the online company. That extra $20 for the right policy was worth every penny it to him. He knows now that if something happens he won’t have to shell out $2000 especially as he is on a fixed income now with being retired.

It doesn’t cost anything extra to have Good Apple Insurance as your agent! We are your best resource for insurance advice. I care about my customer’s financial well-being. I will make sure you have the best coverage for the best possible rate. Insurance should work for you when you need it most. What’s the point in having insurance and then not having it payout when a claim happens?


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